March 9, 2011
And So, an Invitation
Isaiah 55:1-58:14
I. The Seller 55:1-13
II. Eunuchs and Foreigners 56:1-8
III. The Lofty One 57:14-21
IV. True Fasting 58:6-14
"Dr. Paul Carlson, was a California doctor, with a thriving practice. He agreed to join a Relief Agency, to serve for 6 months, as a medical missionary, in what was, then, called, the Belgian Congo. Returning to his lucrative practice, in California, Carlson was a changed man. He couldn't brush the Congo experience, out of his mind. He told another doctor, "If you could only see the need, you wouldn't be able to swallow your sandwich." Soon, the young doctor could do nothing else but uproot his family and move to the Congo. In the most primitive conditions he set up a clinic and gave medical care to the Congo people------all for $3,230 a year.
After 2 years, Dr. Carlson met a situation that he couldn't heal. Along with several other Americans, he was captured as a prisoner of war, in an internal revolution. Seeing a chance to escape, he raced, over to a wall and climbed to the top. A burst of bullets rang out and peppered his body. He was dead, as he slid, back down the wall.
Time Magazine reported the senseless killing: (this is what it said) "Dr. Carlson's murder, along with the massacre, of perhaps another hundred whites, and thousands of blacks, had a special tragic meaning. Dr. Carlson symbolized all the white men-----and there are many----who want nothing from Africa, but a chance to help. He was no saint and no deliberate martyr. He was a highly skilled physician who, out of a strong, Christian faith and a sense, of common humanity, had gone to the Congo, to treat the sick."
This, is a dramatic illustration, of what a humble and contrite believer will do. If our relationship with the Lord is a healthy one, and we are walking with Him, in the way that we should be-------then, we will go, to where God is at work, loving people and meeting their needs and we will join Him, in the battle----- against poverty, ignorance, sickness, superstition, injustice, heartbreak, depression, discouragement, uncertainty, agnostic and atheistic lies about God and death-----no matter where the job happens to be-----and no matter who it happens to be with. The humble believer, really, only has one person to answer to and that person is God----and the only real cost, that we should worry about, materially, emotionally and spiritually, is the cost, of not obeying God, the Father. (I can remember hearing Sandra Martin's daughter, Maeve, say, one time, that she had learned, that she would rather be in the Lord's will, in danger, than out of the Lord's will, and safe.)
God, is calling, each one of us to serve. And He is calling us, in as many ways, as there are people, in this room, to find ways to serve others (believers and non-believers) with His love. What, or Who, has He put on our hearts?-----and it doesn't have to be something as dramatic, as pulling up roots, and going to the Congo--------it can be as simple as going to the hospital and taking lunch to a friend, whose mother's had a stroke--------or staying in touch with somebody, on a daily basis, who is struggling, with a sick child or a parent-------or it can be going to Canada to run a soccer camp and a Vacation Bible School-----or it can be, giving a shower for a friend, who's having a baby or getting married-------or taking someone, who is widowed, either by divorce or death, to lunch, for their birthday, cause their husband isn't there, to do it anymore--------or taking a walk with a friend, whose husband is wheelchair bound, from MS, just to let her get out of the house and talk--------or it could be, going, to deepest, darkest Africa, to alleviate physical suffering, and in the process, alleviating, spiritual suffering. God's possibilities are endless. Remember, God's ways are not our ways. If God is pointing us, in some, specific direction, we need to pay attention----and go where He tells us to-------because---- there will be honor and glory, for Him, there; hope and encouragement for the people, being served, there;----- and for us, there will be blessing, in the here and now, there, and blessing, for all eternity.
I. The Seller 55:1-13
The grace, that Jesus bought for us, is not a theory or an interpretation, it is a real experience. And God wants us to enjoy it freely. His invitation is too good to refuse----- it's too good, to even delay. God's call, to come----- lies so closely to His heart, that it's repeated, in one of the very last verses, in the Bible----Revelation 22:17 says, "The Spirit and the Bride say Come!" and let him, who hears, say, "Come!" Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life." This is the message, that God wants every single person, ever born, to hear. He is saying, "Don't just sit there thinking about this, theorizing and hesitating and making excuses, for your disobedience. Get up! Come over here! I have prepared a rich, spiritual privilege for you-----someone else has already paid your bill-----Come!"
The invitation is given, to anyone, who thirsts after spiritual refreshment, to come and receive it, from the Lord's hands. Thirst is our motivation, but we know, that if we are left to our own devices, we don't always thirst after spiritual things. It's God, who makes us aware of our need, and then, it's God who prompts us to reach out to Him, by telling us to "Come!" We have no reason to refuse Him and we have no reason to cling to our own selfish idolatries. If what we thirst after, isn't from God-------it will never satisfy us, no matter how expensive, it is, or no matter how hard, we try to make it work. Our world is a vast marketplace of unsatisfying, but costly remedies, for our God-shaped longings-------- We are offered exactly what we need to quench our thirst, for free, but we aren't very smart shoppers-----we still try to buy what we think we need, and we pay, too high, a cost for it.
In this passage,the Lord is pictured, selling His wares in the marketplace. He talks about water, wine and milk----because they are all representatives, of the satisfaction, that we can only find, in Him. In eastern Bazaars, water sellers are common. Water is a precious commodity and a thirsty customer will spend, whatever it takes, if he can, to get a drink. A lot of people are suspicious of the promise that Jesus makes, to give His water freely. They just can't believe, that it could really be desirable and valuable, if it's free------ they don't trust getting something for nothing. The truth is, though, that God's blessings, may be free to the person receiving them, but they definitely were not free-----Jesus paid for them, with everything that He had.
God calls us to come and eat, at a wonderful banquet. And His open feast, is not a soup kitchen-----He serves, wonderful, delicious, flavorful food. It is refreshment for our souls, not for our bodies.The Lord is addressing anyone, who tries to seek satisfaction, in our own strength. He is talking to people who spend their energy and their money on acquiring property and pursuing pleasures, in a vain attempt, to find peace and happiness. Nothing, we can do, can provide real fulfillment. It doesn't matter how much money we make, or how many people we know, or how many accolades we achieve, or how big our house is, or how much property we acquire, or how many pleasures, we indulge ourselves in, real satisfaction will always be, just beyond, our reach. There is only one place where the soul can find satisfaction, and that, is in the Lord Jesus. Listening to and studying God's Word and then obeying it, is how we come to His table.
God has made an everlasting covenant, with every person, who has accepted His invitation. He promised King David, that his (David's) dynasty would rule forever. Human failure and pride can't destroy that covenant. Jesus's life, death and resurrection and the Holy Spirit's, indwelling of a believer's heart, is proof, that God, will never, back out of His promises. At Jesus' baptism, God chose to speak, from heaven, in a voice, which said, "This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased." (Matt. 3:17) God's love for us, is guaranteed, by His love, for His son, who has His full and eternal approval. Why does God love Jesus, so much? John Flavel, a Puritan pastor, in the 1700's, wrote an imaginary conversation between the Father and the Son, in heaven, that gives us a little glimpse of the Father's great love for His Son (Jesus), and for us.
(" Father: My son, here is a company of poor, miserable souls, that have utterly undone themselves, and now lie open to my justice. Justice demands satisfaction for them or will satisfy itself in the eternal ruin of them. What shall be done for these souls. Son: O my Father, such is my love and pity for them that, rather than they shall perish eternally, I will be responsible for them as their Surety. Bring in all Thy bills, that I may see what they owe Thee. Lord, bring them all in, that there be no after-reckonings with them. At my hand, shall thou require it. I will rather choose to suffer Thy wrath, than they should suffer it. Upon me, my Father, upon me, be all their debt. Father: But my Son, if thou undertake for them, thou must reckon to pay the last cent. Expect no discounts. If I spare them, I will not spare Thee. Son: Content, Father. Let it be so. Charge it all to me. I am able to pay it. And though it prove a kind of undoing to me, though it impoverish all my riches, empty all my treasures, yet I am content to undertake it.")
Our salvation is more than a decision, that we made at some point in time. It flows from a covenant that God made, in eternity. David had no understanding, of the real meaning, of God's promise to thehim------ that, one day, the Messiah would come from His line--but God knew. And the Here are"sure mercies of David" that are given to us, are endless and they are absolute. This is the promise that God makes, to everyone, who has heard His call, and has turned to Him, in faith and obedience. Our souls will live forever and they will participate in God's everlasting covenant.
God's invitation to all people, is 2-fold----First------He says to come and eat and drink and be satisfied and and then Second-------He says to seek Him, not because He is hidden or hard to find, but because He loves us.
Isaiah is saying here, that God just doesn't love the Jews, His chosen ones, but that He loves, every soul, that He has created and He wants them all to come to Him. To "seek" the Lord, means to stop dawdling and messing round with our faith and get intentional about it. It means to place God as our highest priority. We have to set our highest value on Him, and remove anything, that keeps us from Him. We have to hear and obey His word, without any backtalk or hesitation; we have to budget our money for His use, first, and we have to plan our days, leaving room, for anything unexpected, that He brings our way. Seeking the Lord, is a realignment, of our whole lives, and our whole way of thinking, and our whole way of behaving, and our whole way of speaking and interacting, in every relationship, that we have. Instead of being the token, religious garnish, on the side of our daily lives, seeking Jesus, means that He becomes the main meal-----He is the entre' and we can continually feast on Him. He is near to us, He is not far off. He is not unavailable and aloof.He invites us to come closer and closer to Him.
Today, is the day of grace. Faith and repentance are the only requirements.Repentance, is turning, from the old way of doing something, and embracing, a new way to do it. We are wicked, by nature, I don't care how good and sweet we are. Our natural way, of everything that we do, is contrary, to the will God------because, we want to exercise our will and get our way. That is why we have to be intentional, about turning away from ourselves and our desires. We have to make a conscious choice, to choose the ways of the Lord. We need repentance, so urgently, because God's thoughts and ways are as high above ours, as the sky is from the earth. We may not see very much wrong in our lives, a lot of times, we don't, but what matters, is how God sees us. We can't defend, our well-established habits and our feelings, when they are examined under God's light. They won't stand up under His scrutiny. We have to examine them, by lining them up with the scripture, and we have to repent of them, by adjusting anything and everything, in our lives, that doesn't fit into the footprint, that the Lord Jesus, left for us to follow. We will, never, actually get it, completely right---------but being able to understand the truth, that we can't, get it all right, humbles us, and that's the beginning, the middle and the end, of our salvation. It is all about God, and if we will keep listening humbly, to God's word, He will faithfully, continue to surprise us, with what He can do.
Isaiah 55: 8-11, is one of the most beautiful, and comforting passages of scripture in the whole Bible. "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are my ways, your ways," says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts your thoughts. For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, and do not return there, but water the earth, and make it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall my word be, that goes forth from my mouth; it shall not return to me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it."
Our "ways", are to a large degree, governed by the world around us. We, are locked into time and space and we're controlled by gravity and the other laws, of the universe-------but God, isn't locked into anything. He's totally free, from anything, that would try to control Him. Just like His ways and His thoughts, are so beyond ours-----His will, is unhindered, by any obstacle. By His command, the rain falls to the earth and provides the moisture, that's necessary, for all living things to grow. That's His plan, and it operates, independently of human beings-------we can't do anything, that can really control nature, that God doesn't allow us to do, even, with all of our scientific technology. It is beyond us.
And, God's living, breathing Word, is like the rain--we can't quench it; it saturates us and we flourish under it---and it will fulfill, whatever God wants it to. We can't begin to fathom, how this happens, we just have to believe that it does and to participate in it, as it goes forth. It is our handbook for living; and it is our recipe for blessing. Whatever deep purpose, God might have for His Word, will work out, exactly like He wants it to. It will never return to Him empty, and it will accomplish, whatever He pleases, and it will prosper in the thing He sent for it to do. When we realize, that God's Word, is the great tool to bring about His purposes, on this earth, it becomes a tremendous privilege, for us to hold it in our hands, and to study it every day.
As Isaiah, concludes chapter 55, He pronounces a wonderful blessing, on everyone and everything. This is another beautiful passage of scripture, that feels our hearts with joy, as we read it, " For you shall go out with joy, and be led out with peace; the mountains and the hills shall break forth into singing before you, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. Instead of the thorn shall come the Cypress tree, and instead of the brier shall come up the Myrtle tree; and it shall be to the Lord for a name, for an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off." This will be the final exultation of nature, on the restored earth. No more sin, no more curse-------the earth will be perfect and it will praise it's maker. And not only will the change in nature be dramatic, but it will be permanent. The present earth has a designated life-span. It was created in the beginning and it will be discarded when its purpose has come to an end. The new earth will not have any limits. It will be everlasting!!!!!!! It's incredible peace and beauty, will never grow old, the flowers it produces, will never fade, and the Lord's name will be glorified, for all eternity.
II. Eunuchs and Foreigners: 56:1-8
The future, that we've been promised, is what strengthens us, to live well, today. We can live righteous lives, because of the Lord's finished work on the cross, more than 2000 years ago. We can live righteous lives, because we have the presence of the Holy Spirit in our hearts. We can live righteous lives, because we have the the inherent and complete Word of God, contained in the scripture. The promises that that we have been given, for our future, should activate us, today.
The total fullness, of God's salvation, will be ours one day. If we belong to God, nothing will stop it. And He wants us to live, right now, on the basis of that-----We are the living evidence of the future------we, are God's prophetic presence, in the world. God wants us to live in such a way, every day, so that there can be no doubt, that He is in control, of our past, our present and our future. The justice and righteousness, that He wants us to "keep" or to exhibit, is not, self-righteous legalism, it is an outward expression of trust, and rest, and delight, in the Lord.
The person, who chooses to set his mind on a holy life, is the person who will be blessed, and who will bless others. In Isaiah's day, keeping the Sabbath, was one way, that a person could show on the outside, what was going on, on the inside, in their hearts. It was a very important part of their religious lives. It was a reminder to the people, that God was the Creator, because the Sabbath, was a key component, of the Creation. In 6 days, God fulfilled His creative work, and on the 7th day, He rested. He didn't rest, because He was tired; He rested because His work was done; it was complete. Then God, Himself, marked the 7th day, as a day of rest for the people of Israel-------so that they would remember, His sovereignty.
Believers today, don't recognize the Jewish Sabbath, because it was part of the Law, which was done away with------ when Jesus, ushered in the New Covenant, through His death and resurrection. Jesus, became the fulfillment of the Sabbath, when He said, "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest." (Matt. 11:28) Instead of the Jewish Sabbath, we now have the Lord's Day. This is the day, that we should set aside, to remind us, of the Lord's resurrection.
It hasn't been commanded, for us to keep this day separate, but the Church, from its earliest days, has done it voluntarily, which is what makes, keeping it separate, even more special and gives it, even more value, in the Lord's eyes. We live under grace, we don't live under the Law-----but we honor the Lord and His great gift to us, when we keep Sunday, holy. Israel, by their recognition of the Sabbath, manifested their love to Jehovah--and by observing, Sunday, as special, we do the same thing. We need to remember that Sunday, is not, an extra Saturday. I have reminded us before, that we shouldn't think of Sunday, as the end of the week-end-----it isn't just a day, to get caught up for Monday. It is the Lord's Day and, it is the day, when we are supposed to set aside lesser things and replenish ourselves and others, with the fullness of God. We are supposed to structure our schedules around glorifying and enjoying God together.
Foreigners and emasculated men were barred from Jewish worship. Foreign cultures were pagan and emasculation, marred God's creation. But Isaiah makes it clear, in this passage, that no one will have to miss out on future blessings, if they give their hearts to the Lord. No matter what nationality they are or what kind of disability they may have.----- It was always God's intention, for the Temple to be for all people. But even during Jesus' earthly ministry, there were people who were kept from worshipping in the temple. The only part of the Temple that Gentiles were permitted to enter, was the outer court---which was actually called, the Court of the Gentiles. When Jesus sacrificed Himself, though, He paved the way for all believers, to be able to go right into, the Holy of Holies, and worship God in the way, that He deserves to be worshipped. Above all else, God values a heart, that is dedicated to the Lord Jesus. He will throw the doors of His house wide open to anyone who comes to Him, with a humble and contrite heart .
God's house of prayer, is big and colorful and joyfully united together, as one family-----with God as our Father, and Jesus as our brother and with the Holy Spirit, binding us all together, in the bond of love.
When we accept the truth of this fact, and implement, the practice of it, into our lives----then our churches, are able to move toward revival. Revival, is God, coming down, among us, visiting us, dwelling with us, in His glory. Revival is the presence of God; the immediacy of God; the kiss of God; the nearness of God, in His goodness and power. Revival, is a time, in the season of the church, when God causes, the normal ministry of the Gospel, to make itself felt, with extra----ordinary, spiritual power. It is a time when God reveals Himself to us, in a new and glorious way!
(Chuck Smith was pastoring a little church in Costa Mesa, California in the late 1960s, not far from the beach. God began to pour out His Spirit. Teenage kids started getting saved and coming to the Church.But there was a problem. The oil deposits off the coast of California bubble up little globs of oil that land on the beach now and then, about the size of a quarter. If you step on one, it sticks to the bottom of your foot and you mess up carpet when you get home.
So, these young people began to come into the church right off the beach. They didn't know that the were supposed to wear shoes. All they knew, was that Jesus was outta sight, and that church was cool. God was gathering in ousters, and it was beautifully real and authentic. But the new carpets and new pews at Pastor Smith;s church were getting ruined. One Sunday morning, Chuck arrived at church to find a sign posted outside that read, "Shirts and Shoes please." He took it down. After the service he met with the church officers. They talked it through. They agreed that they would remove the new carpet and pews before they would hinder one kid from coming to Christ. And that wise decision cleared the way for God to visit Calvary Chapel with revival. There was standing room only, five nights a week.)
The paster and the people in that church chose to care about what God cares about, and nothing else. That's authenticity---------a house of prayer, gathering in everyone, who will come and worship the Lord.
III. The Lofty One 57:14-21
God, is in 2 places. He dwells in the high and holy place, where we can't go, yet, because He's God. And He dwells among the lowly and contrite, where we can go, because He is our Savior. So, the way for us to find God, is obvious------if we humble ourselves, He will find us.
God isn't like us. We like to live in the best house that we can afford, in the nicest neighborhood, that we can afford. God, on the other hand, doesn't value upward mobility like we do-------He values downward mobility-------not because He feels uncomfortable, dwelling in the high and holy place, but because, down low, is where He finds the people who are the most open to Him. If we go to where God is, it will never hurt us, to lower ourselves. Lowliness, is spiritual humility, that admits, that where we really belong, is at the bottom. This is a liberating and freeing realization and it opens us, and life up, for God, to be able to move, in and on our hearts. (There was a parable about a wedding feast, that Jesus told in Luke 14:7-11 that illustrates this. Some guests were crowding up to the head table, but the host told him that those seats were reserved for others. They were embarrassed---------And at the same time, the people who had come in and sat in the lower places, at the table, were invited to move up to the head table, to the seats of honor. )
Every one of us, should be like those people, who came into the wedding feast and sat down, at the low end of the table-------that's where we belong------not because we aren't children of the King-----but because we are. If we are going to be like Him, then we have to humble ourselves and choose to dwell in the places where the spiritually, gentle and contrite, are closest to Him. That lowliness of Spirit; that discounting, of the importance of Himself, so that He could come and dwell with us, is what makes Him, The Lofty One. (There is a History Channel episode that tells the story of the Navy's precision flying team, the Blue Angels. When the team reviews the films of their performance, the leader points out the slight mistakes that they made at each point. These are the best pilots in the Navy--but whenever their leader points out a mistake, their standard reply is, "Just glad to be here Sir.") That is the attitude we should have---to be so humbled by the position, that we find ourselves in, in Christ----- that no matter what situation comes our way-------that our standard response is, "Just glad to be here Lord."
Jesus said in Matt 5:4, "Blessed are those who morn, for they shall be comforted." and Paul said in Ephesians 2:17, "Christ came and preached peace to you who were far off, and peace to those who were near." He preached peace, to the Jews, who rejected Him and He preached peace, to the Gentiles, who accepted Him--------and He still is preaching to anyone who will listen. He hasn't stopped. And He won't stop, until everyone, has heard the Gospel message. If we will stay spiritually low and humble, with Him, then He will dwell with us, with a peace and healing and a comfort that we can't explain, but that we know could only be a miracle of the Holy Spirit.
Peace is not natural to us. We are restless by nature-------never completely satisfied, never completely content, and never completely relaxed. This is because our hearts are wicked---we can't take our focus off the Lord, not even for one second---because when we do------we start elevating ourselves to lofty places. (Chuck Colsen writes about a despairing young women, who was exhausted by an endless round of parties. When a psychologist suggested that she stop, she said, "You mean I don't have to do what I don't want to do?") We need a Savior--------the Lord doesn't just confront our wickedness-------He forgives us---and He opens our hearts, so that He can revive His lofty self, within us.
IV. True Fasting 58:6-14
When it comes to fasting, God is more concerned, with practical mercy and kindness, than He is with denying oneself food, for an hour or two. The way that people were fasting in Isaiah's day, was unacceptable to God. The people boasted of the fact that they fasted, and then complained that no one seemed to notice their sacrifice! When we fast or worship, because its the thing to do, it becomes hypocritical. Fasting is a very private thing, between the individual and God. True fasting leads to humility before the Lord; and it leads to seeking Him, where He may be found. (Do you remember Louisa May Alcott's story, of Little Women, " It was Christmas morning and the March girls gave away their breakfast to a poor neighbor family who had even less than they did. The March family were poor themselves, but they showed compassion on their neighbors and denied themselves, in the process.) That's the kind of thing, that the Lord loves to accept, as a fast. He saw, the actions of clothing the naked; and encouraging someone to walk away form sin, as being far closer, to His understanding of fasting, than missing a few meals is. Jesus and Paul, did both fast, from meals, but they did it voluntarily, so that they could focus better, on the Lord and the task that He had called them to-------not because the religious leaders demanded it or God required it. God places more value on actions that are motivated by our devotion to Him, than He does, on all, the religious observances, we practice, because we think we are supposed to.
God seeks practical Christianity, from His children. He wants the outward working of our faith, to be motivated by, an inner commitment to Him. If we meet His requirements, then we will receive great blessings from Him. We have to be careful though, that we're doing it for the right reasons. There are plenty of people who are burdened for the hungry and the oppressed and the poor, but they don't know God. Their good works, are socially motivated------we have to make sure that, that isn't why we are practicing good deeds. We have to also ,check ourselves, to make sure that we aren't working and fasting, in the name of the Lord, because we think that it will earn us something. That kind of effort never pleases God, because it isn't the natural outworking of the Holy Spirit-------it can be an expression of natural kindness and compassion, but it can also be self-centered pride.
To any one of us, who will commit ourselves to Him, the Lord promises great blessings--------spiritual light will flood our souls; our spiritual wounds will be healed and our righteousness will be acknowledged. God will protect us from our enemies and He will hear our prayers. If we will turn from oppression and quit pointing fingers at other people and stop gossiping and talking ugly about people and if we will meet the needs of the hungry and will work to free the afflicted, from whatever they are in bondage to-----then, a light of blessing will descend on us, that nothing will ever be able to remove. He will also guide us, refresh us and strengthen us. He will make us "like a well-watered garden, whose waters will never run dry, for all of eternity" and He will use us, to repair the damage, that has been inflicted on mankind, by mankind, for generation after generation after generation. He will use us to restore human dignity, according to the the Gospel, in the way that it was intended to be, in the Garden.
The Sabbath, is mentioned again, here, because God wants us to recognize our dependence on Him and to honor His sovereign power over us. If we are faithful in our obedience to the Lord as we serve Him----then He will free us from His disapproval and we will hear Him whisper in our ear---------you are ready; you are prepared; you understand; you have been revived; you are compassionate; you are humble; you are free; I have given you triumph over the evil in this world---------now go out and serve….
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