September 10, 2014
Introduction to “Highlights of the Old Testament”
(Walking Through the Old Testament----Understanding “the Big Picture”)
Genesis 1:1---Malachai 4:6
Introduction of Leaders--------Debra
Beverly Choquette---Administrator
Cindy Bush, Sandra Martin, Mary Snyder
Angie Betts, Jennifer Pair, Michelle Snead
Beth Horton, Laura Tompkins
Becky Stedman, Marti Rowe
Heather Hood, Jen Salisbury, Stephanie Shotwell
Housekeeping Details-------Beverly
1.) Jeff Salisbury—Adopt a School
2.) JOY
3.)JOY Jr.
In 1976, Reggie Jackson played his one and only year, with the Baltimore Orioles, and he was a major contributer to their struggles, to gain the coveted World Series pennant, largely, because of his resistance to follow the rules of “The Big Picture.”
In his book, How Life Imitates the World Series, the author, Dave Boswell, tells a story about how Earle Weaver, the then manager, of the Orioles, tried to teach Jackson a life-lesson about understanding the value of “the big picture.”
Earle Weaver had a rule that no one on his team, could steal a base unless he gave them a steal sign. But, Jackson, was a young man, who was pretty sure of himself, and he didn’t like that rule at all------ he felt like he knew the pitchers and the catchers on the other teams well enough, and he was confident enough of his speed, that he didn’t think he needed to wait for Weaver’s signal, he thought he should be able make his own decision about whether to steal a base, or not.
So, one game, during the World Series play -offs, Jackson decided to steal without a sign from the manager. He got a good jump off of the pitcher and easily beat the throw to 2nd base, sliding, just to make a good show of his skill. As Jackson shook the dirt off of his uniform, he couldn’t keep the smile off his face, because he had proven to Weaver, that he could make his own judgment calls.
After they lost the game and Weaver had calmed down, he took Jackson aside and explained to him, why he hadn’t give the steal sign.
First, the next batter up, after Jackson, had been Lee May, the best power hitter on the team, other than Jackson. When Jackson had stolen 2nd, it had left 1st base open, so the other team had intentionally walked May, insuring that he didn’t have any opportunity to get a hit that could drive Jackson in for a run.
2nd, the batter after May hadn’t been very strong against the pitcher, up until that point-----and with 2 men on base, Weaver had felt like he couldn’t use him, so he had to call up a pinch hitter, to try and drive Jackson and May in. That decision left the team without bench strength later on in the game when they needed it.
The problem was, that Jackson didn’t see anything but himself and his relationship to the pitcher and the catcher, but Weaver could see the whole game----he could see how everything and everyone all needed to work together, to generate the right outcome.
Unfortunately, from time to time we can all be Reggie Jacksons---spiritually, intellectually, emotionally and behaviourly----we only see the circumstance that’s right in front of us, or a past experience, or the advice of a friend----to help us through situations.
But thank goodness, God sees the big picture, He created the big picture, He is the big picture----He alone, is Who we should be leaning on, Who we should be listening to, Who’s direction we should be following.
So, the real topic that we’re going to be studying this year, is the big picture. Its called Highlights of the Old Testament, but I’ve titled it, in my mind------Walking through the Old Testament---------because that’s what we’re going to be doing, walking with our heavenly Father, through the words of a love letter, that He wrote for the world, but that He intended, personally, for each one of us.
And we’re going to walk with Him, just like Adam and Eve did, in the garden, in the cool of the day…
This year, we’re going to see “the big picture’s of God’s plan for the world, of His plan for Israel, of His plan for the church and His plan for each of us----we will go back and forth between the Old Testament and the New Testament, and we’ll be able to see how the Old Testament was written for the fulfillment of the New Testament----and we’re going find a deeper understanding of the fact, that you can’t have one without the other. We will see the continuity of the whole Bible and we’ll see its inerrancy. And, if we like this study, this year, next year we’ll take a walk through the New Testament.
This study is divided up into 2 workbooks----the first one covers Genesis through Esther, which we will finish before Thanksgiving------and the 2nd book covers Job through Malachi, which we will finish before May. We will get a taste of some books that we’re very familiar with, and a taste of other books that seem so obscure, that we really know very little, and maybe even nothing at all,, about them -----but it will give us an opportunity to hear God’s voice in every single word, of every single page of scripture, in a way that we never have before.
Either by teaching youth or by teaching ladies, l’ve been involved in discipleship for close to 35 years----and I can honestly tell you that walking through the scripture to get “the big picture” is one of the best methods of study and understanding that I’ve ever used. It helps us to connect the dots and it increases our knowledge of who God is and of how He interacts with people. One of the best results of this study is a more accurate and exalted view of God, which consequently, gives us a more accurate and humble view of ourselves and our position, in God’s eyes and His plan, and our responsibility to know and serve Him, the very best that we can.
My prayer, is that through this study, the Bible will come alive for us,,,,, and that the Word of God, will help us draw closer to the God of The Word, and that what we learn about him, will transform our hearts and our minds so well, that we will never be the same.
Every Christmas, when we go to see our family, Nana never fails to have a 1000 piece puzzle, its individual pieces spread out, in totally random order on top of the card table, set up in a corner of the family room----over the few days that we’re there, every single family member will take a turn sitting at the table, with puzzle pieces in their hands, and every single person, without fail, will have the top of the puzzle box in the other hand, depicting some beautiful place,,,,,, because without seeing and understanding what the big picture is supposed to look like, there’s no way that we could know how to fit the interlocking pieces, of that puzzle together.
The moral of the story, is that….. the scripture is like the top of a puzzle box, and we need to hold it in our hand, so that we can figure out, how God ,and His plan, and our little finite selves, fit together to form a beautiful picture.
I can hardly wait to begin------- let’s pray…
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