Friday, November 19, 2010

JOY "God's Help or Man's?" November 17

November 17, 2010
“God’s Help or Man’s?”
Isaiah 28:1-31:9
  1. God’s Power on God’s Terms----29:1-24
  2. Our One Security: God’s Sure Foundation----28:1-29, 30:1-31:9

When I was about 10 years old, I was spending the weekend with my grandparents. On the way to church on Sunday morning, we stopped to get gas and some candy for my grandfather to give out to the children, like he always did, after the service. I, being spoiled rotten, was allowed to get a bag of Cheetos and a Mtn. Dew for my mid-morning snack. Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to finish eating the Cheetos before we got to church. And I really wanted to, so needless to say, I couldn’t stop thinking about those Cheetos all through Sunday School. By the time we got to the sanctuary, for the morning service, I could not sit still----I wanted those Cheetos soooo badly-----I kept fidgeting and wiggling, until finally, I just asked my grandmother if I could go to the bathroom and she told me to go during one of the songs. When the time came, I jumped up and almost ran down the aisle. I am sure I thought that it looked like I was going to the bathroom---but dummy me, the bathrooms were through the doors on each side of the pulpit—---and I went down the aisle and out the front door.  I was totally blind and oblivious to anything but satisfying my craving for those Cheetos.
Now, when I got out there, I knew that I didn’t want to be, suspiciously, gone too long, so I crammed as many Cheetos, as I could get, into my mouth, and grapped a fistful in each hand and went back into the sanctuary----again dummy me, right through the front door.  Just as I started down the aisle, I realized that my 6’4” white-haired, granddaddy had gotten up to preach------He was standing behind the pulpit—and he was looking right at me. He paused in what he was saying to the congregation (I have no idea what it was) and he said, “Debbie Jean, you come right up here with me.” Every person in the church turned and watched me walk in total silence, down that long aisle, that seemed like it was the length of a football field. All I can remember thinking, at that moment, was that I didn’t want my granddaddy to know what was in my mouth and in my hands----because that would mean, that he would know that I had lied to my grandmother. Again, dummy me, like he couldn’t see that my cheeks were bulging and that my hands were clinched behind my back and that I had cheese powder on my mouth. He didn’t say another word. He just helped me up the steps and settled me into one of the big pulpit chairs to the side of him and he went on with his sermon.
Meanwhile, when he turned his back to me, I proceeded to get rid of the Cheetos by eating them as quickly as I could. It didn’t matter to me that he whole church was witnessing my shame—all I knew was that I felt sick and sorry for having disappointed my granddaddy, and I wanted to get rid of the cause of my sin, as fast as I could. After church, when we got into the car-------all he said to me was that there was a time to satisfy our tummies and a time to satisfy our souls and that I’d gotten the two of them confused ----and he knew that it would never happen again.
And, it never did---and you know, I still have a hard time eating food anywhere else in the church, other than in the fellowship hall. And I still love Cheetos!
You can see by this illustration, how apparent my childish sin was to my grandfather and to everybody else in the congregation----and this illustration also shows us just how apparent, our sin is to God. We can’t hide anything from Him. He sees everything and He knows everything------why do we even try to cover it up? Because the more we try to pretend our innocence, the more God will expose it, to us, and to everybody else too. My granddaddy taught me a very public lesson, that day, but it was for my own good---------and in the short and long run, he showed me the blessing, of a love relationship that is based on mercy and repentance and restoration.

That is exactly what God wants his children to understand through the words of Isaiah--------that He is Almighty Sovereign God and that there is nothing that He can’t do and there is nothing that He doesn’t see and there is nothing that He want do for His children. These words were spoken to the nations of Israel and Judah, so long ago and they are still speaking to us, today.

  1. God’s Power on God’s Terms    29:1-29

Throughout the scripture, God is telling us, “You won’t always be able to understand me or my ways; but I promise, that you will always be able to trust them and Me. If I surprise you with trouble, don’t be scared and don’t despair, because I will also surprise you, with the joy, which I will bring to you, when the trouble is over. There may be times when it will be hard for you to believe what I am telling you------but take heart------- I am God and what seems impossible to you, is the very thing that I specialize in.”  
The truth is, sometime our greatest break-through, in our relationship with the Lord, is when we hit a brick wall. Sometimes the most constructive thing, which can happen to us, can happen, when our world seems to be falling apart. Sometimes we need to be pulled up short and to be forced to realize, that we can’t even begin to know, the mystery and depth and the goodness, of who God is.
When we think, that we have God figured out, it is way too easy, for us to slide into the feeling, where we think we know everything that there is to know about Him, and we start to take Him for granted. But the truth is, that God is too big, there is no way that we could ever understand or explain everything about Him, on this side of Glory.
Sometimes, God and His ways don’t make sense to us. We just need to humble ourselves and admit that the mind and character of God are beyond human comprehension. When we can’t see the reasoning, behind some of the things that happen in our lives and we can’t figure out the motivation behind them----that is often, when God will surprise us the most, with some manifestation of His presence or His power, and we will have a small break-through in understanding-----just a little glimpse, of His Sovereignty. That is when we are able to see that God is God and that we are not God and that there is nothing else but God;
and that ,is when we can discover what it means to trust God and to surrender to Him, instead of trying to control Him, by attempting to always control ourselves and our circumstances.
(When our children were growing up, with their very different personalities---we had to nurture and discipline them in different and creative ways, from time to time. What usually worked with Mary Kathryn was to send her to her room, so that she could get herself under control by herself------what worked with Griff was to give him extra responsibilities or to keep him right with me, no matter what I was doing-----and what worked with Lizzie was to take something away from her----usually, just the hint, of a loss of privilege, would pull her into line.)The whole world is under God’s authority; Jews and Gentiles and believers and unbelievers; and God uses very different and surprising methods to show Himself to us, and to draw us close to Him, and to encourage us to obey Him. What works with one person doesn’t always work with another one, so we can’t even begin to imagine the scope of God’s creative and compassionate mind.
One thing that we have to always remember is that God never gives us what we deserve. Because, what we deserve, is death. In His grace, He always gives us just what we need, no matter what that is. If we need encouragement, He makes sure that we get encouragement. If we need discipline, He makes sure that we get discipline. If we need instruction, He makes sure that we get instruction. If we need humility; He makes sure that we get humility. God makes sure that we get what we need, at all levels; in the complexity of our hearts and our souls and our personalities and our minds----and it is beyond our own self-understanding. God alone can see how and when we need to experience defeat and how and when we need to experience victory. And in His mercy, the defeat and the victory are both severe and sweet.
Isaiah gives two encouragements in this passage, that reflect the truth of God’s individual understanding and way of dealing with each one of us. (He uses the illustration of a humble and uneducated peasant farmer. This man knows that you can’t just keep plowing a field, over and over again, without planting a crop, at some point in time. God taught the farmer that truth. God knows that endless upheaval and disruption in our lives would be fruitless------He breaks up the rock-hard soil, of our hearts, in any way that He sees necessary, so that He can plant the seeds that He wants to grow there. God always has a life-enriching; life-growing purpose for us.  We need to yield ourselves to Him.
Looking at the illustration of the farmer again, we can see the 2nd encouragement. God taught the man that after the crops are harvested, they can’t all be threshed and crushed in the same way. Each different crop required its own treatment and its own method of refinement. And even a correct method can’t be overused. God knows how to work with each one of us. He has just the right touch for each one of us. We can trust His hand. He has to do what is necessary to accomplish His purpose. Threshing is meant to be productive, not destructive. God judges, not to destroy, but to encourage repentance and obedience.)
Isaiah makes it very clear to his readers that---- God will keep every promise that He makes to us, because He has the power and the desire, to do it. The power of the Gospel changes our hearts and our lives, when we accept defeat at God’s hands and embrace the renewal ,that only He promises.
In this passage, Isaiah addressed Jerusalem as “Ariel”, which basically means, “lionlike” and it carries with it the idea of the “lion of God”; the lion was the insignia of King David’s family-----and this use of the word “Ariel”, is also translated the “altar of God”---The city of Jerusalem contained the temple, which housed the altar of God. Jerusalem itself, was considered the altar, where sinners worshiped a holy God, through the substitutionary sacrifice system, which God had laid out in Exodus.
The problem in Isaiah’s day, was that the people were meticulously, observing all the religious feasts and rituals, but they were totally insincere in their worship. It was empty observance and it was getting them nowhere. Jerusalem didn’t see how privileged she was and she didn’t recognize the danger that was coming her way. For us, sinners saved by grace, God is both our danger and our overflowing salvation. The only refuge from His holy wrath is His holy love, which was poured out for us, by Jesus, on the cross. In other words, the only escape that we can have from God is to lose ourselves in God. The only purpose, for the whole of mankind’s history, has been for the work of mankind’s redemption.
The worship, of the people in Isaiah’s day, was immune to the heat of God’s anger and to the warmth of His love. They couldn’t distinguish one from the other.  They didn’t tremble or rejoice in God’s presence. They were just going through the motions of worship. They were wasting their time. God cannot abide lukewarm worshipers----Jesus says in Revelation 3:16 “that He will spit lukewarm believers out of His mouth.”
So God told them, through Isaiah, that His judgment would burn inside the city-----and He would allow the city to be attacked and eventually destroyed, not just one time, but over and over again. That promise started to be fulfilled in Isaiah’s day and it is still being fulfilled today and it will continue to be fulfilled, until the time comes, for Jesus to end the burning and to set up His Millennial Kingdom. Jerusalem has been besieged and captured more than any other city in the world. Dr. Vernon McGee said that He had counted 27 times, that Jerusalem had been captured and destroyed, throughout its history.
If the only way that God can get our attention is to bring judgment against us, then He will do it, because He knows that the end result will be greater than any pain or heartache that we might have to, momentarily, endure. (Dr Chuck Swindoll says this about God’s judgment, “Surely this phrase, “the wrath of God” is greatly misunderstood. Many think, invariably, of some sort of peeved deity, a kind of cosmic, terrible-tempered Mr. Bang, who indulges in violent, uncontrolled displays of temper when human beings don’t know what they ought to do. But such a concept only reveals the limitations of our understanding. The Bible never deals with the wrath of God that way. According to the scriptures, the wrath of God is God’s moral integrity. When man refuses to yield himself to God, he creates certain conditions, not only for himself but for others as well, which God has ordained for harm. It is God who makes evil result in sorrow, heartache, injustice and despair. It is God’s way of saying to man, “Now look, you must face the truth. You were made for me. If you decide that you don’t want me, then you will have to bear the consequences.” The absence of God is destructive to human life. That absence is God’s wrath. And God cannot withhold it. In His moral integrity, he insists that these things should occur as a result of our disobedience. He sets man’s sin and His wrath in the same frame.)
The fact that only the city of Jerusalem was saved from the Assyrian’s, in Isaiah’s day, should have brought the Judeans to their knees in repentance, but it didn’t, because after good King Hezekiah died, in a very short time, the people went deep into sin again.
Isaiah was so frustrated with the spiritual inertia, in His generation, that he told the people that if they wanted to be blind to the sovereignty of God, then God would just turn them over to their blindness. They would just be given over to their own lack of understanding. Jesus made this same application to the Pharisees in his day, in Matt. 15:1-9----------they worshiped God so meticulously but so legalistically, that they totally missed Him standing right in front of them. They were saying all the right things and doing all the right things, but they were only following doctrine that had been taught to them by human instruction. Worship and faith and God were just concepts in their minds, not a spirit-filled life-changing transformation of their hearts. Underneath their regimented observance, they were using their worship of God as a mechanism for avoiding God----they were using their worship as a way to control just how much control they were willing to let God have in their lives.
We can deceive ourselves, we can think that we have real faith, if we try as hard as we can to avoid sin-----but just avoiding sin, doesn’t lead to true repentance and worship-----to be truly repentant so that we can worship God in the right way, we have to strip away everything in our sight, except Jesus-----we have to choose to understand that the heart of worship is having an intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus------the trappings of religion are just window dressing, if the Lord isn’t living in our hearts.
The scripture warns us that some people will profess their belief in God, but then they will deny His power. They will go to the church and do everything that they are “supposed” to do, but you won’t be able to see any victory or any joy or any growth in their lives. We need the Lord-----We need the power and the intimacy of Him, in our hearts and in our lives. (Older people need Him because they have so little time left to get ready for eternity. Middle-age people need Him because they are strongly tempted to coast along for the rest of their lives, resting on their past spiritual successes and becoming dull and mediocre. Young families need Him and his power in their hearts because they are forging the convictions that will shape their homes for a lifetime. Singles need Him because they can either gain or forfeit single-minded devotion to Jesus. Students and teen-agers need Him because they are being targeted by the world with brilliant and attractive seductions. Children need Him in their hearts while they are young and open and are able to be set apart to God, forever. Different denominations need Him, because way too often, we settle for the doctrine, of the power of God, rather than the experience, through faith, of the power of God.
Apparently, after all of Isaiah’s words and warnings and prophecies, the rulers of Judah still believed that they were wiser than God. They reversed God’s intended order of things and they put man at the top of the scales, as though the clay was telling the potter what to do. They wanted the right to dictate the terms of their relationship with God. (the story is told of a missionary, preaching to a group of military men overseas. At the end of the service, a young man arrogantly asked, “if God is as almighty, as you say, why did He allow sin to come into the world, in the 1st place? Answer that and maybe I can believe what you just told us.” Smiling, the missionary said, “Suppose a man was on top of a 12 story hotel when a fire alarm sounded? Suppose he ignored the alarm until flames burst into the room? He dashes to the window where firemen are ready to help him. The man shouts, “I won’t come down until you tell me how this fire started!”  What would you think of that man?” asked the missionary. “I’d say he was a fool!” Then the young man suddenly realized, that he by his own conclusion, had condemned his own argument. )
Mankind, whose position is one of guilt before a Holy God, has no right to question God or to dictate terms to Him. Job says in 33: 12-13, “God is greater than man, why would you fight against Him because He doesn’t give account to you of what He does?” In this day of advanced technology, satan is quick to trap people into believing that man is superior in knowledge and doesn’t need God. But 1st Peter 5:6 tells us that the Lord’s way, is for us to “humble ourselves before Him and He will lift us up.”
  1. Our One Security: God’s Sure Foundation   28:1-29; 30:1-31:9

Only God can save sinners and that begs us to ask the question----“What is our part in salvation?” The answer can be explained in 2 simple words: Trust God! That is all He really wants from us----He wants us to trust Him because He’s trustworthy. We keep running off to other salvations, even though God has made it clear over and over again, that there is only one Salvation and His name is Jesus.
Trusting God isn’t easy. Living by faith in Him, means that we have to follow Him, forsaking our own ways and embracing His. And that’s hard—we like to do things our way--------and there is not much of anything in our modern culture, which encourages us to live by the belief, that God’s salvation is what our hearts are deeply longing for. We try to put God in a box. We try to visualize and conceptualize Him with the same emotions and reactions and behaviors that we humans have. We think small, dark thoughts about God-----we limit His power and His wisdom and His abilities to our stunted human understanding. We are controlled too much by our own fear, so we keep looking back, instead of walking faithfully, forward through today, on our way to tomorrow.
We have to ask ourselves the question, “Do we feel safe with God alone?” “Do we trust God enough, to feel safe, with just Him alone?” Every one of us struggles to answer that question and each one of us is making a statement about it, by the way that we live. God wants us to be able to say what Isaiah said in 26:8, “yes Lord, walking in the way of your laws, we wait for you; your name and renown are the desire of our hearts.” That’s the faith that He wants us to have. He wants us to come to the end of ourselves, so that He can turn around and fill us up with Himself.  (Legend has it that a man was lost in the desert, just dying for a drink of water. He stumbled upon an old shack----a ram-shackled, roofless, windowless, weather-beaten old shack. He looked around the old place and found a little shade from the heat of the desert sun. As he glanced around he saw a pump about 15 feet away----old, rusty water pump. He stumbled over to it, grabbed the handle and began to pump up and down, up and down, nothing came out. Disappointed, he staggered back. He noticed off to the side an old jug. He looked at it, wiped away the dirt and dust, and read a message that said, “”you have to prime the pump with all the water in this jug, my friend. P.S.: be sure that you fill the jug again before you leave.” He popped the cork out of the jug and sure enough, it was almost full of water! Suddenly, he was faced with a decision. If he drank the water, he could live. Ah, but if he poured all the water in the old rusty pump, maybe it would yield fresh, cool water from deep down in the well, all the water that he wanted. He studied the possibility of both options. What should he do, pour it into the old pump and take a chance on fresh, cool water, or drink what was in the old jug and ignore its message? Should he waste all the water on the hope of those flimsy instructions written, no telling how long ago? Reluctantly, he poured all the water into the pump. Then he grabbed the handle and began to pump, squeak, squeak, and squeak. Still nothing came out! Squeak, squeak and squeak! A little bit began to dribble out, then a small stream, and finally, it gushed! To his relief fresh, cool water poured out of the rusty pump. Eagerly, he filled the jug and drank from it. He filled it another time and once again drank its refreshing contents. Then he filled the jug for the next traveler. He filled it to the top, popped the cork back on, and added this little note: “Believe me, it really works. You have to give it all away before you can get anything back.)
God has the power to fulfill every single promise that He has made in His word. God looks us right in the eye and promises that He can and will deliver on every single promise in the Gospel. The only thing that we have to do, is to just believe Him.  
What Isaiah sees in Ephraim, (Israel, the northern kingdom) is the script that has played out 1000 times in history. Kingdoms rise and fall; wealth is accumulated and then stolen or lost; egos climb up onto a pedestal and then fall down and break, like Humpty Dumpty. (Raymond Ortlund, Jr. says, “Can this really be what life is about, as the media insists? Surely not! I can’t believe it! If this were all, then the cynics would be right. But as Christians, we know, that here, we have no continuing city; crowns roll in the dust and every earthly kingdom must sometime flounder, whereas we acknowledge a king that men did not crown and cannot dethrone , because we are citizens of a city of God, that man did not build and cannot destroy.”) The truth is, it is a mercy of God, to live in the troubled times that we do live in. The world is falling apart and we have no clever answers for our needs, so we’re less likely to be taken in by satan and the world’s lies. It makes it easier for us to believe, that God is our only salvation. In the very day that the drinks, that Isaiah is talking about, run out, and the lights dim and all false crowns roll in the mud-------that’s  the day when we should  turn our backs on everything but God. That’s when we will come to the end of ourselves and we will reach out for God and we will find Him to be, all that we’ve ever longed for. He is our “crown of glory”. When God is our treasure, then we can see through the world’s deception and nothingness, and our hearts can prize Jesus, above anything else.
Isaiah makes the point that Israel and Judah have lost the sense of God in their hearts. He accused them of having fallen into spiritual drunkenness. He saw that the prophets and priests, of his generation, were drunk, with their own trendy wisdom. He knew that He alone, was teaching God’s wisdom, and it pained him to have to endure their mocking of him. There were 2 things that the prophets and priests just could not stomach about Isaiah: 1st---it was the content of Isaiah’s ministry----they thought that his faith in God was childish and simplistic. The truth is that Isaiah’s message was simple-----his whole intent, the whole foundation of his message, was to encourage people to trust God and God alone. He wanted people to find their rest in God through their faith. But the priests and prophets thought, that that message was beneath them. They didn’t think it was sophisticated enough or deep enough. They said that they didn’t feel fed when Isaiah preached.
There are always people who can’t be satisfied with the preaching that they hear-----they complain about it and hop from church to church or from book to book or from speaker to speaker---it never dawns on them that maybe, it isn’t the message that they’re hearing, that’s causing the problem------ that maybe the problem lies, with their own proud attitudes.
Isaiah’s naysayers were whining, “Who does he thing we are? Does he thing we are babies? Does he thing we have no spiritual training? Does he thing we’re wet behind the ears? Does he think that we don’t know what we’re talking about? It annoyed them that everywhere they turned they encountered Isaiah’s prophecies and pronouncements. Unfortunately for them, they had no understanding and no clear idea of the meaning of his words. The truth was, that they didn’t want to hear; they didn’t want to understand that it was God who was speaking to them through Isaiah’s words, because the truth hurt, and they wanted it to go away. And 2nd----it was the style of his ministry that they couldn’t tolerate. They used a sing-songy baby talk to heap scorn on Isaiah’s way of preaching. Basically, they were saying, blah, blah, blah; yada, yada, yada, while sticking their fingers in their ears. They had no comprehension of the depth and the profoundness of Isaiah’s preaching. The people disregarded God’s word. They yawned and claimed that it was boring. The truth stings! Those people didn’t like Isaiah holding them accountable. We don’t like it either, when our spiritual leaders hold us accountable, if our toes get stepped on. But regardless of how they received it or how we receive it, God’s word will never return void. It is the truth and it will always be the truth.
What Isaiah was saying, is as relevant today, as it was then. We don’t mind hearing messages that are comfortable and speak of God’s love and His mercy and His blessing----but we don’t like to hear about our sin and God’s justice. (When our children were little and they got upset about something and pouted, we would make them look in the mirror----- at first they would resist and twist and turn, but when they finally looked they would wind up laughing and it would restore their faces, to their sweet innocence.) God’s word is our mirror and making us laugh isn’t its main intent, but it is designed to take us back to an innocence, which we lost, when sin came into the world. There can be one person sitting in the pew, hearing the gospel and thinking, “I never knew the Bible had so much to say to me. This is so meaningful, and I can’t wait until next Sunday!” while the person right next to them in the pew, is thinking, “This is dumb, I’m bored; why doesn’t the Bible say something that is impressive and lofty, something on my intellectual level?” Same message----totally different impact! Which person in the pew are we? When the Bible is opened up, are we delighted or annoyed?
The prophets and the priests made fun of Isaiah because of how he taught God’s word, precept upon precept, but that is how we are supposed to be taught the scripture, precept upon precept, because that’s the only way that we can understand it’s continuity. It is all true and it interprets itself, because it is the breathing, living Word of God.
The whole issue of turning to Egypt for help against the Assyrian invasion, by Judah, was a big mistake. This was disobedience on the part of Judah, because the Lord had declared, long before that time, that getting aid and protection from Egypt, had been forbidden, ever since God had demonstrated his superiority, over Egypt and its gods, during the Exodus. God was known to the people in Isaiah’s day “as the God who brought you out of Egypt”. So the Judeans knew better than to get tangled up with Egypt.  
Isaiah was also looking beyond the day he was living in, to a time, when Judah would turn to the ultimate wrong ally. In that day, they will accept the antichrist as their Messiah, until midway through the tribulation, when he will finally reveal himself as evil, and they will recognize their heartbreaking mistake.
God doesn’t want us to get into a habit of trusting anyone or anything who isn’t Him.  He will judge anyone, even his own children, if they turn to outside help, instead of to Him.  Horses and chariots are powerful, but in the end they will always fail--------only God can save us. Materialistic philosophy says that it’s smart to trust in the stock market, and in our friends, and in our spouses, and in our abilities, and in our bank balances, and in our families, and in our educations—these are all Egypts.
The real source of Judah’s difficulty was that they didn’t look to God, or if they did glance his way—they didn’t trust Him enough to do what He said. God’s desire was for the Leaders of Judah to seek God’s advice and trust Him to defend them against the Assyrians. Human nature, being what it is, the Leaders were looking for physical security more than they were spiritual security. They were looking for something that they could see and hear. They knew in their minds, that God was there, but He just seemed distant and vague to them. Trusting Him was like trusting thin air. They couldn’t see Him and they couldn’t hear Him and they couldn’t touch Him. Are we the same way? In the face of physical crisis, do we trust God or do we trust the various Egypts in our lives? Our strength can only be found in quietness and confidence in the Lord. He is the only source that will provide our security. We have to lean on His understanding, not on our own. The impulse to work out problems on our own is natural-----but the test comes when the Holy Spirit prompts us to trust Him, and we do it.
Isaiah prophesied the Lord’s justice, but he never failed to remind the people of God’s goodness, too. God never stops reminding His children of His love for them. God has always had an ultimate intention. His plan has always stipulated that there would be, a restored and justified nation, when Jesus, as the chief cornerstone of the Kingdom, comes to rule it, in righteousness. The restoration of Israel will, in itself, exalt the Lord. His discipline, no matter what it is, is never an end, in itself. His ultimate aim is always restoration.
In the Millennial Kingdom:
  1. The nation’s leaders will no longer be silent or ignored or mocked like Isaiah was---the people will hear God’s guidance and will follow it, because their hearts will be changed and they will have an insatiable desire to hear it.
  2. Idolatry will be put away forever-only God will be worshiped-----the thought of worshiping anything but God will be out of the question.
  3. There will be an abundance of crops- Rain in the Holy Land is a precious commodity, they get some but not very much. Drought and famine will be a thing of the past. They will be plenty of rain to grow grain and pasture land.
  4. There will be an abundance of water, rivers will flow all over the land.
  5. Even animals will be well-fed and taken care of. Eastern culture has never been known for its good treatment of animals. But in the 1000 year kingdom, the donkeys and oxen will be given good grain with no impurities and seasoned mash.
  6. There will be a new and delightful intimacy with God ----30:21 says “that we will be walking down the road to the left or to the right and we will hear a voice behind us saying, ‘this is the way, walk in it.’” We will never again wonder which way we are supposed to go.

We have a glorious future—we need to praise God every moment of every day that we have been saved.
Amazing grace, How sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me, I once was lost, but now I’m found, was blind, but now I see, ‘Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, and grace my fears relieved, How precious did that grace appear the hour I first believed, my chains are gone, I’ve been set free, My God, my Savior has ransomed me, and like a flood His mercy rains, unending love, amazing grace----The Lord has promised good to me, His word my hope secures, He will my shield and portion be, as long as life endures, my chains are gone, I’ve been set free, My God, my Savior has ransomed me, and like a flood, His mercy rains, unending love, amazing grace-----The earth shall soon dissolve like snow, the sun forbear to shine, But God who called me hear below will be forever mine, my chains are gone, I’ve been set free, My God, my savior has ransomed me, and like a flood, His mercy rains, unending love, amazing grace.   (Chris Tomlin Lyrics)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

JOY "The Joy of the Redeemed" November 10

November 10, 2010
Isaiah 24:1-27:13 and 32:1-35:10
    •    A Divine King   32:1-20
    •    The Joy of the Redeemed 35:1-10
Heartbroken people gathered in a field in Pennsylvania, where United Flight 93 crashed, on September 11, 2001. They were having a Memorial Service for the people who had died there, that awful day. Lisa Beamer, the widow of one of the heroic men, who had led the revolt against the hijackers, was among the people present, who had gathered there, to honor those who had died. Later on, she wrote this about her impressions of that experience:
“I couldn’t help but compare this service to the one in Cranbury, the day before. Todd’s personal Memorial Service had been so uplifting and so inspiring and I know, that it was because the emphasis at his service had been based on “holding on to hope” in the middle of a crisis. On that Monday, though, as I listened to the well-intentioned speakers, who were doing their best to comfort us, but were using, very little, if any, direct reference, to the power of God to sustain us, I felt like I was sliding helplessly down a high mountain, into a deep crevasse. As much as I appreciated the kindness of the wonderful people who tried to encourage us, that afternoon was actually, one of the lowest points in my grieving. It wasn’t the people or even the place. It was the fact that I couldn’t get over the truth of how hopeless the world is, when God is factored out of the equation.”
No matter how sincere the sympathy cliché’s and heartfelt condolences are, they are not enough when our hearts are broken in two. We need our Heavenly Father. ( Dale and I are teaching this class on raising little girls and I have been struck over and over again about how important a daddy is in a girl’s life, no matter how young or old she is----- and the parallels between our earthly fathers and our Heavenly Father, in all the ways that we need them and in the ways that they take care of us, is remarkable.) We need God beyond our human comprehension. If we factor Him out of the equation of our lives, we wind up stripping ourselves bare and exposing ourselves to the fury and blast of the cruelties of satan and this sin-torn world. But, if we always factor God into the equation--------He becomes our hope, and we can face anything!
God has made a commitment to us. He has made us promise after promise that He will take care of us, no matter what kind of situation we have to face or weather. 
(Here are just a few scriptures of the countless ones that Hr gives us in His word: Psalm 32:8 “I will counsel you with My eye upon you.”                                              John 14:3 “I will come again and take you to Myself, that where I am, you may be also.”                                                                                                                                             2 Corinthians 12:9 “My grace is sufficient for you.”
Genesis 15:1 “Fear not…I am your shield: your reward shall be very great.”
Joshua1:9 “Do not be discouraged, do not be terrified, for the Lord your God, will be wherever you go.”
Matthew 6:32 “For your Heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.”)
Knowing and believing in God’s great love for us and trusting in His promised power, on our behalf, enables us to walk through the heartbreak of this sin-filled world without fear and with the assurance that  Jesus’ victory already exists, as an accomplished fact. Understanding this, empowers us to face life, not with resignation and trepidation, but with a soul-enriching, joy-filled expectancy. Jesus is our great Hope, period and He is all we need. (The book, Adrift, is the story of a man who built a vessel that was supposed to sail him around the whole Atlantic Ocean, in a big loop. He hit bad weather and his vessel went down. He existed on a raft for almost 80 days. The thing that kept the man alive was hope. His lowest days were the days when he could see no hope; when he couldn’t see the possibility of being rescued or making it to the islands or coming into the shipping lanes and being found by one of those big vessels, on its way to the trade routes. His hope kept him alive and he eventually was rescued. Someone has said, “We can live 40 days without food, 8 days without water, 4 minutes without air, but only a few seconds without hope.)
    •    A Divine King   Isaiah 32: 1-20
In this chapter 32, we are given another wonderful glimmer of the glorious future, which is waiting for the nation of Israel and for all of the Redeemed, when we we’ll dwell with Jesus, as the divine ruler, in the Millennial Kingdom and for all eternity. Time and time again, Isaiah has given us little glimpses of what the millennial kingdom will be like. But, in this temporal world, we can only see little snatches of that future place, shining through his words, as they part the clouds, a lot like the sun does, on a beautiful April day. The sun is a constant reality and we know that it’s there, whether we can see it shining or not. We know that it hasn’t disappeared it’s just that the clouds sometimes go across it and obscure its light from us. It only seems to disappear from time to time. The Millennial Kingdom is the same way---it is a constant reality; it is there, whether we pay attention to it or not; it’s there, even when the clouds of judgment and discipline and God’s long-suffering, have to provide a temporary curtain, which fleetingly veils the full impact of its promised glory. Sometimes, we think that we’ve lost sight of it, but it is always there!
In the Millennial Kingdom, the presence of the Lord Jesus, will overshadow and envelop the people, as their protective covering and they will be hidden from the wind and from any tempest. This makes us ask the question, “What will the wind and tempest be doing there, in the Millennial Kingdom? I think that is one of the mysteries of God that we aren’t going to be able to understand, until we experience it, when we’re there. But, even though we don’t completely understand it, I think we can safely assume and be assured, that Jesus will calm whatever storm or wind that blows there, just like He did on the Sea of Galilee. I think we can trust that no storm will ever touch us again when we are living in the presence of the Lord Jesus. Isaiah prophesied that the Millennial Kingdom will be characterized by peace and that---- that peace will be the direct result of the Lord’s presence. King Jesus will control every aspect of His kingdom.
The nations of the world will still inhabit their mortal bodies during the Millennium. Some people will actually die, but all physical handicaps will be removed. There will be no blindness, no deafness, no ignorance, no mental deficiencies and no speech impediments, there. This shouldn’t be a surprise to us; it’s a big part of what we can look forward to. If God is going to restore nature back to its perfect state before the fall of Adam and Eve and restore it to a place where lions will eat straw like an ox----------it will be nothing----a piece of cake----for Him to restore handicapped bodies to their full and perfect potential. (When my children were little, we listened all the time, to scripture that had been set to music------one particular one that I loved was about God having everything under control—it used scripture from Daniel that was about him in the Lion’s den and about Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the fiery furnace----and my favorite part was, “the God who caused that Lion to roar and who caused that fire burn had everything under control.) When God is in control, anything can happen. God directed that stone in the middle of Goliath’s eyes; God split the Red Sea right down the middle and then closed it back up again; God leveled the wall around Jericho and God brought His son back from the grave. Knowing that God did all those things, we can only imagine what world-changing glories, await us in the Millennial Kingdom!
In that great kingdom, mankind will be acknowledged for what he actually is, instead of what he wants people to think that he is, or what he wants to appear to be. There will be no hypocrisy there; there will only be honesty. Imagine that, we won’t lie or even deceive ourselves anymore? Apparently, though, there will still be a certain amount of wickedness present, during Jesus’ Millennial reign. The truth is, after the 1000 years of perfection, there will still be people, who will flock to satan’s banner and they will choose to fight on the losing side, at the Battle of Armageddon. Unbelievable!!!!!! It was that same way when Jesus walked upon the earth the 1st time-----people knew Him, they talked to Him, they heard what He had to say---- and they still chose to turn away from Him. Judas Iscariot was the perfect example. He lived closely with the Lord and He fooled everybody, except the Lord. Well, in the Millennial Kingdom, mankind will still have the propensity to sin because of his free-will. But the sin won’t be able to be hidden. It will be out in the open for everybody to see, and everybody will recognize it. Discernment will be raised to a new level. And Jesus, will rule with an iron fist and He will make sure that sin will be strictly limited and immediately punished.
Isaiah addressed the women of Jerusalem, in this passage, not because he was picking on them but because he wanted to single them out and remind them, once again, that women have a huge impact on their husbands and their children and in their spheres of influence. Isaiah saw the women of his day as being too complacent and too willing to go along with whatever happened and too accepting of the world’s standards.  How different are we today? Do we make too many compromises with the standards that God has laid out in His word? We need to ask ourselves hard questions about that and we need to change our ways if we do. There is nothing wrong with a life of quiet pleasantness or a life that is lived out with gentleness and forgiveness and grace to others, and a life that recognizes that we are supposed to love people into the kingdom of God, not judge them there------but there is something very wrong with women who live their lives with the idea of keeping peace at all costs and with living a life that is willing to tolerate sin, because they don’t want to rock the boat or make somebody mad at them, or with living a life that accepts wickedness because they want to fit in with a certain group. The women of Isaiah’s day were choosing to live with a false peace, which came from satisfying themselves with momentary indulgences. Those women couldn’t see beyond their own little worlds. The most important thing to them, on any given day, was whatever bargain they could find in the marketplace. They had no foresight; they weren’t worried about anything, much less the future. Those women represent the kind of foolish complacency that leaves God out of the equation—they searched for and tried to be satisfied with, earthly contentment and didn’t even acknowledge a longing or a dependency for their Heavenly Father.  In the Millennial Kingdom, a woman’s greatest asset to her beauty will be her humility in the Lord and in Him alone.
In the Millennial Kingdom, the Spirit of God will dominate everything! God has promised to pour out His Spirit on us with life-enriching abundance. In this passage, Isaiah wasn’t talking about a little drop of the Spirit. He was talking about an outpouring of such magnitude, of the Spirit ,that He will totally wash away all complacency, from our hearts and minds, like a flood---and that He will replace everything that gives us counterfeit joy, with the real joy and peace and quiet trust in the Lord, that can only come from the Holy Spirit. 
God has already started pouring out His Spirit. He started keeping that promise over 2000 years ago, at Pentecost. And He does pour out His Spirit with astonishing abundance, as He pours His love into our hearts. Our responsibility is to be open to receiving the Spirit into our hearts. The “work” of righteousness is peace. And peace will be the overall dominant reality of the Kingdom. Peace is produced when righteousness rules hearts. Jesus will rule, with and in righteousness. The by product or effect of righteousness is quietness and assurance. This peace frees us from anxiety and guilt and it isn’t something that can be switched on and off when the mood strikes us. Righteousness is not something that man can achieve by his own effort. It is a gift from God and it is produced by the Holy Spirit. It is part of what happens when the Spirit is poured out on us. The Holy Spirit + Righteousness = peace and quietness and confidence in the sovereignty of God. We don’t have to wait for the Millennial Kingdom to experience that peace—---the Holy Spirit makes Millennial Kingdom peace available to us, right now, every minute of every day. We just have to take hold of it. (Horatio Spafford, a businessman in Chicago, sent his wife and 3 daughters to Europe by ship while he remained back in the U.S., intending to join them later. En route, there was a terrible storm and a shipwreck, during which their 3 daughters drowned. Mrs. Spafford made it to safety and wired back saying,, “all of our daughters have been lost. Only I have been saved.” He took the next vessel. As they came near the place where his daughters drowned, the skipper of the ship pointed to the place where the other ship had gone down. It was there on the deck of the ship that he wrote these stirring words: ‘When peace like a river attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll; whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say, ‘it is well with my soul.’”)  Horatio Spafford had Millennial Kingdom peace. 

    •    The Joy of the Redeemed
Walter B. Knight said that, “Joy is the flag that flies over the castle of our hearts, announcing that the King is in residence today.” Joy is the surest sign of the presence of God.
Although,  the Promised Land is is still a long way from what the Lord will change it into being, in the Millennial Kingdom, and then, in the New Heaven and the New Earth---------the small nation that we know as Israel, today, has done remarkable things with the land that it is fighting to hold onto. Salt marshes have been drained and barren, desert wasteland has been reclaimed and turned into lush, productive farms. Fruit, of all descriptions is being raised in huge quantities. And, this bounty doesn’t just satisfy the needs of Israel’s population, but it has also become a very profitable export trade. Forests have been planted, one tree at a time, so that now, a comparatively treeless land is well-stocked with timber. In other industries, such as medicine and technology and research, Israel is challenging the world with cutting-edge developments. It is truly remarkable to see what this young man-made nation has done and achieved, in less than 65 years. But all of this is just a shadow of the beauty and abundance and bounty that will one day be made manifest, when Jesus comes to set up the Millennial Kingdom.
Praise God that He has already started His renewing work of grace in the life of every believer. Before we are saved, our lives are just dreary, barren deserts. But, when we are saved, God is able to give us new life and He is able to grow such lush, sweet fruit in us, which is so appetizing, that the people we come in contact with can’t help but want to reach out and pick it. The joy He plants in us is contagious. Joy permeates chapter 35, of Isaiah. His description of the great goodness of God, makes it clear to his readers, that salvation is not just when we stop sinning; salvation is when we are able to delight in God’s glory and His majesty. How unbelievably amazing God must be, if just the sight of Him can transform us from death into life. We are able to see God’s glory in the face of the Lord Jesus. And we can see the face of Jesus, as the Holy Spirit makes Him real to us, through His word. What we have already experienced in the Lord Jesus, so far, is nothing, compared to what we will experience when we see Him face to face!
There is so much more for us, in our relationship with the Lord, than we can even begin to comprehend. When we choose to follow Jesus, we will never, ever come to a dead end; with Him, we will always be on the threshold of new and wonderful possibility and blessing.  What can we contribute to this beautiful relationship----- nothing but blindness, deafness, lameness and silence-----physically, spiritually and emotionally? What does the Lord contribute to it----- everything wonderful------ everything that is full of sight, sound, agility and joyful song? Charles Wesley described the impact of the Gospel this way, “Hear Him, ye deaf; His praise, ye dumb, your loosened tongue employ; ye blind, behold your Savior comes; and leap, ye lame, for joy.” God is in the business of turning spiritual cripples into spiritual heroes. We should never give up, no matter what we have done and no matter what others have done to us. Because what we spoil, God will renew. God will restore anyone, now, who will come to Him in saving faith, Jew or Gentile------and in that future day, He is going to restore Israel in a way that they cannot even begin to imagine and He is going to restore the earth, and turn the whole world into the Garden of Eden, forever, with Jerusalem as its focal point. (An audience watched the artist, Thomas Nast, paint a pastoral scene with green hills, fleecy clouds and a babbling brook. When he moved away from the easel, accolades resounded around the room. “But it’s not finished,” said Nast. He dipped his brush into dark, somber colors as people looked on in surprise and silence. Then rashly, he made daubs and blotches on the painting much as a child would. At last he said, “Now it’s finished and perfect.” Not a sound was heard. Nast turned the picture on one end and the crowd gasped in awe! Before their eyes was a breathtaking scene. A magnificent waterfall cascaded over moss-covered rocks and rainbow hues appeared to dance over the whole scene. The first painting had not been ruined; it had merely been changed, by the touch of the master’s hand.)
The highway that Isaiah described in this passage, is like a raised causeway, which is going to be high enough in the air, that it will be clearly visible. It will be so obvious that even fools will be able to find their way to it and will have no trouble walking down it. In the world that we live in right now, we have to hold our breath and we have to get inoculations and we have to have locks on our doors and we have to have policeman and we have to have prisons and we have to have hospitals and we have to teach our children about strangers and drugs and abuse. But God has a planned a world for us, and for Himself, where those things will never be necessary ever, again.  This world is going to be a special place for the Redeemed-------the people that God has taken on as His personal responsibility. That is what it means to be redeemed-------God allowed Jesus to pay the price for us, so that we could be bought back from sin and the world and be restored to Him as His perfect possession. Thanks to Jesus, we will get into God’s beautiful Kingdom for free. That is the deal that God made with us and that is the deal He paid the price for. Gladness and joy will overtake us and the blessings of God will overtake us and all sadness and heartbreak will disappear forever.
Some people are content with the self-importance and pettiness and materialism of this present world we live in. We fill our bellies and our bank accounts and our egos with the gluttony of this world. But what we should do, is yearn for something more. Because what we have been promised, is so much more than we already have or what we could ever possibly have, in this temporal place. We should long for God and for the fullness of His presence, in our hearts and in our minds, and for the kingdom that we are already citizens of. We can have it now, not because we deserve it, but because Jesus has already, paid the price for us, on the cross. He lived and died and lives again for us. The pursuit of our joy, in Christ, may cost us everything here, in this world. We shouldn’t mind though. We should be able to gladly leave it all behind and press on toward a joy that will never end.
(The story is told of a young art student who had great admiration for the Danish sculptor, Bartel Thorvaldsen. To his great delight, the student had an opportunity to go to Copenhagen, to visit a church and see the sculptor’s famous statue of Christ, known as Come unto Me. As the student stood before the statue, great disappointment registered on his face. A bystander noticed the young man and said, “Sir, you must go close, kneel down before Him, and then look up into His face.” The student hesitantly did as he was told. On his knees he was overjoyed when he looked up and saw the beauty in the face of Jesus, a beauty that can never be seen by people, who remain at a distance.)
We can’t know Jesus, if we don’t come close to Him. Knowing Jesus is what it means to be Redeemed.

Monday, November 8, 2010

JOY "The King of the World" November 3

November 3, 2010
The King of the World
Isaiah 24:1-27:13;    33:1-12;    34:1-17
Judgment Upon the Earth 24:1-26:21
The Vineyard Restored 27:1-13
Prayer for Deliverance 33:1-12, 34:1-17
Calvin Miller, in his book, Until He Comes, reminds us of the story about the little girl, whose mother’s face, was hideously scarred, from an earlier injury. As the little girl grew and made friends and gained her own identity, she became more and more ashamed of her mother’s horrible appearance. As the little girl walked down the street with her mother she noticed that people moved over to the far side of the walk or even crossed the street in order to avoid them. Gradually, the girl, herself, found ways to avoid being with her mother, in public. Eventually, the girl became an adult, married and moved to another town-----she rarely saw her mother, after that. Her lonely mother suffered financial set-backs and faced basic hunger. Her daughter continued to ignore her, even in such destitute circumstances.
One day, the daughter discovered an old diary of her mother’s. It described a horrible fire, that had swept through their home, and it told how her mother had rushed into the burning house and scooped her daughter into her arms and ran back out, burning herself, to disfiguration, in the process. The truth dawned on the daughter; her mother’s horrific scars had come, from saving her life. A new kind of shame raced through her heart and soul. She went to her mother as soon as she could and threw her arms around her and gazed fully into her face-------a face, which had become unbelievingly beautiful and precious. With tears, she expressed her gratitude for everything her mother had done. And, from that moment forward-------a new relationship controlled their lives.
Way too often, we depend on outward appearances when we choose our leaders and our friends and our world views. We don’t look far enough, behind the way someone or something looks or appears, to be able to discern the truth behind a person or a program, or an organization and see what their ability really is, to be able to help us or to guide us or to satisfy us. 
Israel and Judah kept looking beyond their boundaries to try and find a strong ally to help deliver them from their enemies, which included each other. Time and time again, God sent word through Isaiah and the other prophets that Israel and Judah just needed to trust Him and to recognize that He was the only ally that they needed. God wanted them to understand that because of His Sovereignty, He would always have everything under control. (There is an old adage that says man proposes, but God disposes. Proverbs 16:9 “---in his heart man plans his course, but God determines his steps.” Many years ago, a professor in a history class, frequently said, that to be able to have an accurate account of past events, the word “history” should actually be 2 words---“His Story”. The professor was absolutely convinced that all of history was truly, nothing more, than the account of God’s dealings with man. He based his conviction on Paul’s words in Acts 17:26 which says, “From one man, God made every nation of man, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and He determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live.”)
God’s final plans for His people will include both judgment on sin and redemption for all obedient people. Aside from being able to live with the Lord forever, our greatest reward, will be, the victory over sin; the victory over the worship of false idols; and the victory over death and the grave. (And, Praise, God, because of Jesus’ death and resurrection, believers can already claim those victories.) And, neither horrible monsters of the sea, nor heavily armed people, nor evil and greedy leaders, nor terrorists extremists, will be able to prevent God from carrying out His plan, when that Day comes.  God is the Sovereign Ruler of the Universe!
Isaiah said that the world will look unbelievable, beyond imagination, some day----- because God will create a new heaven and a new earth. The old heaven and earth will be destroyed. All things will be new. Tears will vanish. Banquets will abound. Life as we know it will never have been so good! Are we ready for this new world that God will create?  What will it take for us to really believe that God has everything under control? Do we really believe that God can take care of all of our needs? Has God always been faithful? Has He ever let us down? Have we learned to trust Him with everything in our lives and in the world, no matter how big or how small the issue is? Have we shifted our trust from economic and political and education powers, to God power? Have we learned to look beyond the appearances of circumstances and situations?  Have we seen that the experiences of this life, good and bad, are just little dots in the scheme of God’s Big Plan? Do we turn to the Lord every day and put our confidence solely in Him rather than putting it in earthly allies.  Have we learned to trust the Sovereignty of God? It’s my prayer, that if we haven’t, then through this study, we are beginning to! There is a poem that is entitled,
“God’s Handwriting”—------------------ (and it goes like this):
He writes with characters too grand
For our short sight to understand
We catch but broken strokes
And try, to fathom all the mystery of withered hopes
Of death, of life
The endless war, the useless strife
But there, with larger, clearer sight
We shall see------His way was right

The King of the World   24:1-26:21
Chapters 13-23 contained the judgment prophecies, which over time affected 11 specific nations, who had all had contact with “God’s Chosen People”, in some way. Some were good neighbors and others caused great suffering for them.
But in our lesson for this week, in Chap. 24-34, God’s judgment was expanded to include a universal judgment that would happen, far into the future, which will end with the entire nation of Israel restored to her land and all of God’s enemies destroyed. We have already talked, numerous times, about the fact that God enabled Isaiah to see that coming time that the prophets have all called ,”The Day of the Lord.” In Matt. 24 and in Mark 13, the Lord himself referred to this time of judgment as “the signs of the end of the age.” Most theologians, pretty much agree, that this time period is referring to the Great Tribulation. Even though Isaiah warned the people that Assyria would destroy the Northern Kingdom of Israel and that Judah would be taken captive by Babylon------he wanted them to understand, that those would just be local tragedies and would be a fraction, of the horror that was going to come, in a universal way, to the nations that refuse to acknowledge God as their Sovereign and Jesus as their Savior. Isaiah reminded them again about the Remnant that God would spare, so that they would be encouraged and wouldn’t lose hope. Being a part of that Remnant, is what we all live for. That is our Hope! That is the Good News! That is God’s promise to everyone who believes. God’s great love and mercy clearly shines through these prophecies ,as Isaiah talks about God’s judgment on the world; which will lead to the preservation of a remnant of His people; which will lead to a restoration of their nation.
Isaiah looked beyond the immediate crisis facing Judah and transported her to a future catastrophic time when the whole world will be involved in God’s judgments and all levels of people, remaining on the earth, will be affected. Nobody will escape, from the highest in the land, to the lowest of the low; everyone will suffer the same troubles. The Book of Revelation describes, in detail, some of the judgments that will fall upon the earth and its inhabitants during the 7-year Tribulation period. These will be more far-reaching and devastating than anything that the world has ever seen, up until that time. Even Jesus promised in Matt. 24:21-22,” For then there will be a Great Tribulation, such has not been seen since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved.”
(I want to pause right here for a minute, to talk about God’s special relationship with Israel. I think, at some point in time, in the study of scripture, we all wonder about it------ because it looks like God is playing favorites with them. He isn’t though! I understand the assumption behind the thought----but God’s character would never allow Him to put one person or one group, before another one. The Jewish people, quite simply, are God’s Chosen People, because there had to be a line of human ancestry, that the Son of God could be born through and God, in His Sovereignty, chose Abraham and his descendants. It is that simple! He is God; He can do whatever He wants to. The truth is, their punishment for disobedience, has been far greater than any other nation or people group, when you think of all  the atrocities that they have had to endure, individually and as a nation and are still enduring and will continue to endure, right through the Tribulation. We have to understand that God chose them, from the beginning of creation, to bring the Savior to mankind, and to spread the message of His Gospel, throughout the whole world.
That has already happened, the Savior did come from the line of Abraham-----so that part of the prophesy and the promise, has been fulfilled----but they chose to turn their backs on the other part of their calling—they didn’t recognize Jesus, as the Messiah; so they haven’t spread His message. That is what they will be judged for. But, in the last days, it isn’t favoritism that will spare them from death and count them among the Remnant-------it will be God’s sovereignty----because God’s plan will not be thwarted----- they will finally become the missionaries that God has always intended for them to be. They will finally fulfill their reason for existence. They won’t all live through the tribulation—many of them will be martyrs—but they will be counted among the saints, as they gather around the throne of God, on that great resurrection morning.)
 In Acts 10:34, Paul says “that God doesn’t show any favoritism.” And David says in Psalm 135:6, “The Lord does whatever pleases Him, in the heavens and on the earth, in the seas and all their depths.” From the list in Isaiah 24:2, we can see that all socioeconomic groups of people will be equally affected in the “scattering” of the earth’s inhabitants-----Jew and Gentile, educated and uneducated, rich and poor, powerful or week--------there will be no ungodly person who will escape judgment. The fact is-----everything the Jews trusted in and everything that we trust in today------power, wealth, education, bloodlines, position----it will all be destroyed. Daniel said in 4:34-35 that “…His dominion is an eternal dominion; His kingdom endures from generation to generation…He does as He pleases with the powers of heaven and the people of the earth. No one can hold back His hand or say to Him, ‘What have you done.’” He is Almighty Sovereign God and once we come to realize and accept that, it gives us the freedom to trust Him, in every situation that we face---good or bad. It makes us realize just how insignificant our prideful arrogance in the achievements of mankind is, in the presence and majesty of Almighty God.
(In David Burgesses’ book, Encyclopedia of Sermon Illustrations, he says that there is an account of a man in Germany, in the early part of the 19th century, who thoroughly resented the message of Easter and its Resurrection Promise. To further enforce his scorn, the man stipulated in his will that his grave be secured and covered with great slabs of marble, bound together with iron bands and then covered with a 2-ton granite boulder. On the boulder was written this inscription: “this grave was purchased for eternity; it shall never be opened.” Ironically, though, but not so ironically, a tiny Poplar seed began to sprout in the dirt, that was covering the grave. Over the years, it broke through the man-made security system------it moved the boulder and its roots broke open the grave!”)
No man or nation----no matter his strength or his opinions or his intelligence or his creativity, can outwit the Living God. He is Sovereign. Because of His righteousness, God has to judge mankind’s sin. In their rebellion, they have abused the earth, disobeyed God’s laws and statutes, violated His love for us and broken His everlasting covenant. But and it is a big but--------------God loves mankind and He doesn’t want anyone to perish. (2Peter 3:9) So, in His Sovereignty, He sent Jesus the 1st time and in His Sovereignty, He will send Him again.
Harvest, in the OT days, was a time of festive celebration and great joy, as people gathered to worship God, in thanksgiving. Isaiah painted a picture of the sharp contrast of what the harvest will be like during the Great Tribulation--------basically, there will be no harvest and no joy, because the crops will all be destroyed and the workers will either be dead or they will be hiding in the hills, and in the caves, terrified, begging the mountains, to fall down on them. John tells us in Revelation, that there will be earthquakes of such unprecedented violence, that nobody will be able to escape them.
God loves mankind and the world so much though—that He will never reveal to us or give us, more than we can stand----not in His word and not in our lives. He always tempers His discipline and His judgment with mercy. He is firm in His justice, but He is always quick to forgive and restore. So, just like He will cut the time of Tribulation short----------He also cut Isaiah’s vision of the destruction short too, and He allowed Isaiah to see and tell his people, that after the time of Tribulation--------there would come a wonderful day, when God will reveal His glory, with such brilliance, that the sun and the moon will lose their light, and they will hang their heads, in shame, in the presence of His great Majesty.
Matt. 24:29-30 says, “Immediately after the tribulation of those days, the Sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Then, the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn and they will see the Son of Man, coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.” The entire world will recognize Jesus as the King of Kings and he will reign in absolute justice with God’s absolute Sovereignty--------and all of mankind will finally acknowledge Him. That’s what God has always wanted-----to share an open display of His glory with His children and to be recognized as Sovereign, by His whole creation. That is Salvation! That is Heaven! That is what having a personal relationship with Him is!
Think about it! What do we know that heaven and hell will have in common? Their commonality will be that everyone in heaven and everyone in hell will be honoring God. The people in heaven will be a tribute to His grace----and the people in hell will be a tribute to His justice. But, everyone, will bring honor to God, no matter which place, they wind up in. And, what will the difference be between heaven and hell? The people in heaven will be delighting in God’s glory and the people in hell will be shrieking and gnashing their teeth in hatred at God’s glory. The way that people will experience God and His glory forever, will come out of their own free-will and out of their own hearts. They will either love Him forever or they will curse Him forever. That is why the most important thing in our lives is to make sure that we nurture our relationship with the Lord Jesus, every single day and that we give Him all the praise, honor and glory that He deserves-with our mouths; with our actions; with our thoughts and with our prayers.  (There is story told about the great Austrian composer, Joseph Haydn, giving that kind of praise to God. At a performance of his beautiful oratorio, “The Creation”, the lyrics filled the Vienna Music Hall. The audience sat enthralled by the glorious sounds of his great masterpiece. When the orchestra and chorus sang, “and there was light!”, the listeners rose from their seats and enthusiastically poured out their appreciation and accolades, to the composer. Haydn was very old and very feeble and confined to a wheelchair, but he struggled to his feet and motioned for silence. Then he pointed toward heaven and said, “No not from me, but from Him, comes all.”) Joseph Haydn knew, like Isaiah did, like I hope that we do and like I wish that the Jews did, that all that we have and all that we are and all that we can do-comes solely and completely from the strong hand of God.
In that great day, when everybody will acknowledge God in all His glory, there will be a great banquet prepared for us, by God’s own hand. And God offers everybody a seat, at His eternal banquet table. Everybody won’t accept the invitation, though, but those of us who do, will be a part of a great Remnant of people, from every generation who has ever lived. We will be served nothing but the best. We won’t be disappointed by anything. (this weekend, at Dale’s board meeting I couldn’t eat my filet because it was too rare—it is hard in a large gathering to get everything right-but at God’s banquet table-everything will be done to perfection.) All that our human hearts could ever desire will be placed before us. The feast will be held on Mt. Zion (Jerusalem). God’s people will have waited a long time to sit at that banquet table, but it will be worth the wait. (When I was a little girl, I learned an old song called “Suppertime”------ya’ll know that I can’t sing-----but I used to go out into our backyard and swing for hours, singing that song, at the very top of my lungs-----one particular verse would bring tears to my eyes and a feeling that I could almost describe as homesickness, every time-------it was years before I understood, that what I was feeling, was a longing to be with Jesus and my loved ones, who were already in heaven.  Part of the verse is “…the banquet table’s ready up in heaven, it’s suppertime upon that golden strand—come home, come home, it’s suppertime, the shadows lengthen fast---come home, come home, it’s suppertime, we’re going home at last.”)
It will be the Banquet Supper of the Redeemed. All the guests will be full of joy and nothing will ever make them sad again. The Banquet that God is preparing will be so rich, that Isaiah couldn’t stop describing it. (My favorite time with my children and our family or with my friends or just with Dale is the dinner table. They will tell you that I never want anybody to get up. I never want our time together to end.  We laugh and we talk and we share our days and our concerns and our joys. And we build memories---------but those precious times are just a shadow of what it will be to sit around the Banquet table with Jesus and all or our redeemed brothers and sisters.) The future promised to us is beyond our wildest and our most tender dreams. And, amazingly, Jesus is looking even more forward to the banquet than we are. In Matt. 26:29 when Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper, He said this, “I will not drink again of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new, with you, in my Father’s kingdom.” When Jesus sits down at the Banquet table with us, it will be forever!
Isaiah continued in Chap 26, to sing the song of praise to God, for all the many blessings that He will shower on His children---and one of the most beautiful statements in this passage, is 26:3, “You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.” The mind of a person is the way that they think. It isn’t their brain; we all technically, have identical brains----but we don’t all have identical minds. Our brain is the machine that we use to think with--------and our mind, is the intellectual tool, which controls the kind of thoughts that we have. It is like our brains are the computer and our minds are the software programs, that control its function. In this verse, Isaiah tells us that the person, whose mind is stayed upon the Lord, will be kept in perfect peace. To be stayed, means to be anchored. The best illustration that I can think of, to explain this, is that of a radio or television antenna. We’ve all seen them, on the tops of small hills. They are very tall and very thin and they have red, blinking lights, to warn aircraft of their presence. There is no way that they could stand up on their own—they couldn’t even be erected in the first place, without cables to attach them to the ground, on all 4 sides. Their cables are called stays-------and they hold the antenna steady, so that it can’t be blown down or away, when bad weather comes.  In that same way, our minds can’t be balanced by themselves. Our hearts and our minds are closely connected and without anchors or stays, we are vulnerable to satan’s lies and his promptings------but when our minds are anchored securely in the Lord, He will provide all the stability that we need. This is not a technique or a magic formula and it isn’t something that we do in addition to our salvation. It is simply keeping our eyes on Jesus and applying the faith that He gives us, to the situations in our everyday lives. David tells us in Psalm 37:7 to “rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him.” Resting in Him is the same thing as having our minds stayed on Him. What it amounts to, is consciously placing our trust in the Lord Jesus and allowing Him to control our thinking------and when we do, the result will always be peace.  There is a passage in 2Chronicles 20:17 that says, “You will not need to fight in this battle. Position yourselves, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord.” When our minds are stayed on Jesus, no matter what the battle is—we can rest in peace-------- because it isn’t our battle to fight-it is the Lord’s. We don’t have to fear or fret, because we can be completely confident, that the Lord will take care of every circumstance. The past will be forgiven and forgotten and the future is in His nail-scarred hands. When the enemy tries to put doubt or fears in our minds--------we can say, “Lord, I have already given this to you.” And we can leave it there, even if we have to say it to Him, 10 times a day-that‘s ok—because our anchor will never pull lose----------Jesus will weather every storm that blows our way.
Our faith should be in Jesus, alone. Because only in Him, is there everlasting strength. His strength is not in our faith. Our faith is in His strength. We have the misconception, that how much faith we have or don’t have is the key, to our rest in the Lord. But the quality of our faith is not the issue, it can be weak and wobbly and little----and the effectiveness of our faith is not in, what we can muster up-----the effectiveness of our faith, is directly related to whom our faith is in.  When we put our faith in Jesus and fix our eyes on Him—we can look away from ourselves and our abilities and we can trust in His everlasting strength. God is Sovereign.
We can rejoice in the wonderful truth, that God just doesn’t forgive our sins, when we repent; He also forgets them. It goes so much further than forgetting our sins, though, -------- if the removal of our sins were simply a case of forgetting them--------what would prevent God from remembering them again, at some later date?  (I forget lots of things, but sometimes when I least expect it or want it, they come back to me and they are “unforgotten”.) But God’s forgiveness and forgetting aren’t like that. By an act of His Sovereign will, He decides that He will never recognize them again. He throws them as far as the east is from the west. And because He is perfect in all His ways—we can rest assured that they are blotted out forever, and will never be acknowledged again.  (A cartoon in the New Yorker magazine showed an exasperated father saying to his prodigal son, “This is the 4th time we’ve killed the fatted calf…”) The truth is, God kills the fatted calf, over and over and over again, throughout our lifetimes.
God implants and stimulates a longing in our hearts for Him-----we want to please Him. Isaiah 26:9 says,”My soul yearns for you in the night; my spirit within me earnestly seeks you.” Faith and longing prove that God is at work in our hearts. That yearning that He awakens in us, is the most important thing about us. It is the key to our eternal futures.
The Vineyard Restored-----27:1-13
Isaiah continued in this passage, to look far into the future, and God allowed the vision, to reveal to Isaiah, the final destruction of satan and his fallen angels. The symbol that Isaiah used to characterize the devil was a Leviathan, which apparently, is a sea serpent or sea monster of exceptional power. Isaiah said that in the Lord’s Day, the monster of the sea will be slain. He will never trouble the vineyard or the garden again. There will be no compromise and there will be no mercy. It will be good vs. evil and evil will be destroyed fully and forever. Satan, had been holding the nations in the Promised Land in bondage, because of their false and superstitious religions. This prophecy has already come true to a partial extent-------because when Jesus resurrected from the grave, He crushed satan’s head and took away his ability, to manipulate God’s people with fear, ever again.
He doesn’t have a claim on us anymore. And he doesn’t have any advantage over us. We don’t have to be his victims. And when Jesus comes back again, the prophecy will be fulfilled completely and He will obliterate satan and his minions, once and for all (the first 1000 years, he will be in the lake of fire and for the rest of eternity, he will be in hell).
The Good News, for all of us who have accepted Jesus as our Savior, is that, we have already been set free from the bondage of satan.  In this world that we live in, the devil is still very much alive and active and he would love to blind us to the truth of God and he would love to trick us, into doubting the promises of God, like he did Eve; but he can’t do it unless we let him, because we are the children of God. And, God has given us armor to wear, so that we can be protected from satan and in Ephesians 6:13-17, He has given us the instructions, on how to use the armor. By putting on the armor of God, with prayer, we are really putting on the Lord Jesus and putting ourselves in His domain and the enemy can’t touch us there.  ( When I sense that there is spiritual warfare going on around me, I don’t pray, “get behind me satan”--------I think that makes me vulnerable, to even acknowledge him----that was Eve’s problem-----she never should have engaged him in conversation, in the 1st place-----she should have called on God-------He would have come to her rescue-------so I pray, “Lord Jesus, I’m in your hands and I can’ be snatched away------you have put a hedge of protection around me and it can’t be penetrated-----you have already defeated the enemy at the cross and  I trust You to keep him away from me-----he can’t touch me, thank you Lord Jesus.”).
When satan is cast into that lake of fire-----the children of Israel and all those with them, who have come through the Tribulation, will be able to enter the Promised Land, without fear.  The vineyard, that Isaiah is describing here, is the Children of Israel, just like it was back in Chap. 5-------but the difference is night and day. The 1st vineyard had to be destroyed because it only produced bad fruit-------but the new vineyard that will be established in the Millennial Kingdom, will flourish and will yield luscious, beautiful, glorious fruit. God will watch over the vineyard. He will water it and prune it. He will guard it day and night and He will keep it from all harm.
God never took His hand off of Israel or Judah-----He wanted them to trust Him and to come back to Him and He knew that, eventually, a remnant would, and they would complete the task that He had called them to. He did allow Assyria to destroy Israel and Babylon to capture Judah---------and the Jews are still scattered to the 4 corners of the world---------but God didn’t allow any of it so that they would be separated from Him. He allowed it so that it would bring them back to Him. He wanted and He wants reconciliation with them. It is just like when a parent disciplines a child----------they do it, so that they can teach the child, the right way to behave.  God, in His omniscience, said through Isaiah, that the people will see the error of their ways and  they will forsake the worship of foreign gods and  they will destroy their idols and  they will atone for their guilt and for their lack of understanding and they will turn back to Him and He will end their suffering---------------and then He will sound the great trumpet and He will gather them from where they have been scattered and He will take them home.
The prophetic announcement of the trumpet strikes a familiar cord in the hearts of believers-----because we are also waiting to hear the trumpet sound, and it will announce the coming of Jesus, to get His church. Ist Corinthians 15:51-52 and 1st Thessalonians 4:16-17 says, “that we will all be changed------in a flash----in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet…for the Lord, Himself will come down from heaven with a loud command…and with the trumpet call of God…we who are still alive…will be caught up…to meet the Lord in the air.” What a glorious day of rejoicing that will be.
           III. Prayer for Deliverance----- 33:1-12, 34:1-17
The woe of destruction, in this passage, that Isaiah prophesied, was for Isaiah’s day, and it was directed against Assyria, not Judah. Vengeance and treachery against Judah, earned King Sennacherib the titles of “destroyer” and “traitor”, because he had ruthlessly destroyed everything in his path, all across Judah, right up to the gates of Jerusalem. God promised, that He would destroy Assyria, because of their arrogance and their pride; and their unwarranted cruelty to God’s people; and their arrogant disregard of God’s sovereignty.  The bottom line of this is that God is sovereign and He will not be mocked. (There is an old fable that teaches this truth----“one day a young boy saw his parents, force his grandfather from the table, to sit in a corner and eat from a wooden bowl, like they had done many times in the past, because the old man’s hand trembled and caused too many spills and broken dishes. Later on that day, as the boy was whittling on a block of wood, the father asked him what he was doing and the little boy said innocently, “a wooden bowl for you, when you get old.”)
Galatians 6:7 says “that a man reaps what he sows.” Assyria and King Sennacherib were no exception. Isaiah prophesied, that their day of judgment was coming, and that when it came, there would be a remnant of Judah, which would call out to God, in a prayer for deliverance.  At that point, Judah would realize, that the only thing between them and disaster, was God, and they would finally worship Him as their Savior. Going through the difficult time with Assyria, led Judah to forsake their wicked ways and to turn back to God and God saved His people. God will always save His people, when we call out to Him in repentance. The most beautiful point about this lesson is, that, when we really trust God, we will find that He has always been there. When we are stripped of ourselves and all of our possessions and all of our pride and all of our desires, then we discover that God is all that we have, but most importantly, we find that God is all we need.
In Chap. 34, Isaiah looked again far, into the future to the time when God’s wrath would come down on the powers of satan and all the nations who are enemies of God, during the Tribulation, through the Millennial Kingdom and some theologians believe, even to the Battle of Armageddon. In this passage, Isaiah spoke for God, in the way that a Town Crier used to summon the people to hear an edict from the King--------the Town Crier would go up and down the street saying “Hear ye Hear ye”, and when all the people were gathered, he would read them the proclamation. This call that Isaiah proclaimed, was from Almighty God to the heathen nations and to the earth----- and it was a warning, that His anger and His wrath would come against them and defeat them. He singled out the nation of Edom, who was an ancient enemy of Israel, to symbolize the divine judgment, which would come upon all Gentile nations, who refuse to trust God and who have and will, mistreat the Jews and exploit their land. (The Edomites were the descendants of Esau----there was a long-standing rivalry between them and the descendants of Jacob ---when the Children of Israel tried to get from Egypt to the Promised Land-----the Edomites blocked their way-----they tried to prevent the Israelites from getting salvation-------they were punished for that; they were completely destroyed. The Edomites represent what will happen to any nation, who wars against Israel. They also represent, any person, who stands in the way of someone else, coming to know the Lord Jesus, as their salvation. We have to be so careful that we are road-pavers not road-blockers.
Skeptics and even believers sometimes scoff or ignore God’s warning, of coming judgment, because there has been such a long delay between God’s promise and its execution. But we need to be reminded that God is waiting---because He is patient; He doesn’t want anyone to perish----He wants all of the earth’s people to come to repentance. (2Peter 3:9) But, 1st Thessalonians says, “that the day of the Lord will come, like a thief in the night, while people are saying , peace and safety, destruction will come-----suddenly ----and they will not escape.”
People can make the choice to not live by faith, but they can’t choose to escape the consequences of that choice. (Lance Armstrong is a great athlete, a 7- time winner of the Tour de France and he is a courageous survivor of cancer. He is admired by many people-------but I want you to know what he said when his life was in danger-----the sadness and futility of it, will break your heart----This is the way he rated his chances for eternity…”Quite simply, I believed that I had a responsibility to be a good person and that meant fair, honest, hardworking and honorable . If I did that; If I was good to my family; true to my friends; if I gave back to my community or to some cause; if I wasn’t a liar, or a cheat, or a thief, then I believed, that should be enough. At the end of the day, if there was indeed some Body or presence standing there to judge me, I hope I would be judged on whether I lived a true life, not on whether I believed in a certain book or whether I’d been baptized. If there was indeed a God, at the end of my days, I hoped he didn’t say, “but you were never a Christian, so you’re going the other way from heaven. “If so, I was going to reply, you know what? You’re right, fine!”) How scary is that, for Lance Armstrong? He needs our prayers-----because with his words, he is literally, shaking his fist in the face of God. I pray that someone will come into his life who can lead him to the Lord and to salvation. Because, he obviously doesn’t understand who God is. Do we know who God is? Do we know who we are, in relation to Him? Do we understand that God is sovereign and that He will always have the last word?
Sin affects every aspect of our society so extensively, that even the faithful of God, suffer. We can’t blame God for those conditions, though, because human sin is what has brought it about. We need to understand, that we do have a responsibility, as God’s children, in this world, to renounce sin and to speak against immoral practices and to pray for each other and to share God’s word with those who know it and those who don’t. The more we can slow down society’s deterioration or spare someone having to go through the Tribulation, by spreading the Gospel-----it’s a good thing. We can’t give up----sin is rampant in our world, it’s a way of life---but in God’s strength, we can step out and step up and make a difference, in the lives of the people we come in contact with on a daily basis.